After winning the 18 days of furious Mahabharata war by killing all the Kauravas, Arjun, one amongst the Pandavas got immersed himself in deep sorrow, as he killed his brother Karna in the war. He went clueless and hence he pleaded to the great Rishi Vyasa to get rid of this sin. Maharishi Vyasa told "Ho Arjun! to get away from your sin you must surrender yourself to Lord Shiva and he will give you the remedy to get rid of this, and that’s the only way.
So, Arjun went to Gandhamathanaparvadham (Rameswaram) according to the instructions of Maharishi Vyasa and did intense tapas to get the darshan of Lord Shiva and find a solution to get away from the sins he committed. Lord Shiva got pleased with the tapas performed by Arjun over time, and he appeared before him and created pond of Holy water. Lord Shiva told "Ho Arjuna! Take a ritual bath in the pond it helps you to get rid of the sins you created to Karna, Guru Dhronacharya, and also Grandfather Bhisma. Lord Shiva told that one who takes bath in this lake will get rid of the sins that they committed to brothers like killing.