The supremacy of Gayathri Mantra is mentioned in several Hindu religious scriptures and puranas. The greatness of this mantra has been known since the Vedic times. This mantra is more powerful than any other mantras. It is believed that a person who performs Gayathri Japa sincerely will be bestowed with all spiritual and worldly happiness. The power of Gayathri mantra is such that it frees the individual from all his sins, besides offering self purification.
Glory of Gayathri Mantra: The glory of Gayathri mantra said by various saints are given below:- 1.YAMADHARMARAJAN: If we place Four Vedas on one plate and Gayathri mantra on the other both were equally unequal. Gayathri mantra is equivalent to four Vedas. 2.VISWAMITHRA MAHARISHI: The person who is doing Gayathri japa is not afraid anywhere. There is no equivalent mantra in all the four Vedas. Vedas, Yaga, Dhaana, Tapas are not equivalent to Gayathri Mantra. 3.MARKANDEYA RISHI: No matter how many sins one can commit, if he did 10000 Gayathri japa, they will fly away. 4.VASISHTA MAHARISHI: Whatever sin is committed, it is sure to get rid of Gayathri japa.